Jan 25, 2008

The deal is...

...that interest has been sagging in the Guild, probably due to the time sanctions that each of us encounter in our day-to-day. Understandable. I think that it would be good though to assess who is interested in continuing with this. I have really enjoyed getting mixes and I am grateful to the people who faithfully send me free music. When people miss a month, I can empathize. I will send out an email along these lines too, in an effort to trim any tired or otherwise over-occupied limbs. I have also taken the liberty of re-drawing the rotation for early 2008. My guidance on this was to spread out members who not only faithfully send out mixes, but who send out mixes in the months they are designated. That should ensure at least a consistent supply of trax. Look below (or on the sidebar) to find your month, and if you're disgruntled, let's step aside into the comments section.


February--Wajok Weiss, Isopraxis, Grifter
March--Gillz, Enigma, Che, Captain Admiral
April--Ibid, Teacher of Fruit, Sweetface
May--Renbencan, Rice, Shamus, Courtney

Jan 13, 2008


So if any of you remember, or care, there was a mystere trak on "the shimshamshimmy". Well, I hunted Red Fox - The Choir Practice and knew the voices instantly. A few more shovelles of grit on dirt pile I struck the hollow woody thump of the trak name:

Up All Day

by none other than The Choir Practice.

So there be a present, I would also like to offer another:

January 26th at 12:00am (SLC) there is a birthday celebration for a Meestah Richard Mark Cobabe (Nobabes) Jr. So you may not know him... that's not the important part. The important part is Brewvies, the theatre pub I've rented, and Festa Di Laurea, the most tender and enchanting Italian flick you will ever catch that I am having screened. There are couches for pews and tables for foods. You can bring your own food and beverage. I'm not a drinker but not adversed to a few brews making an appearance. There is no charge, but I'm probably going to have a Birthday Honey Pot at the front door for anyone who wants to donate to the medicating of the sharp pain of 30 years old.

Any more questions... please ask, eirynjakob@gmail.com and please invite EVERYONE, there are about 80 seat cushions to fill.